Mere Devdoot Stories

Mere Devdoot Stories

An impartial yogi

- Written by Pujya Tai Ma

In 1974, Pujya Gurudev Upadhyaya Shri Amar Muniji was walking on foot from Agra to Rajgir. He reached Pavapuri and rested there for the night and the following morning, he was meditating on the stairs of the beautiful Jalmandir in Pavapuri. Many hours passed.

When Pujya Bai Maharaj and I reached Pavapuri from Rajgir to visit Pujya Gurudev, we saw there were some ants biting on his big toe and blood was oozing out. The blood trickled down the stairs but Gurudev was so absorbed in his meditation. The depth of his meditation was such that he was neither aware nor worried about anything else. We immediately called the pujariji who quickly removed the ants biting into Gurudev’s big toe. Many people had gathered there by now. Gurudev opened his eyes and with his usual cheerfulness, he was blessing all of us as if nothing had happened. The injury was serious, nevertheless Gurudev was not perturbed and started walking towards Rajgir.

To listen to, study and talk about austere practices is easy but to be in the company of a monk absorbed in such exceptional spiritual practice is a rare opportunity. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have always received regular guidance from Param Pujya Gurudev, who was undoubtedly a distinguished spiritual seeker.