Mere Devdoot Stories

Mere Devdoot Stories

A heartfelt conversation

Connecting through emotional feelings can be more powerful than language and can be experienced even by voiceless animals. When we think about someone from the depths of our mind, that person definitely is touched by our feelings.

In my life, I have communicated with many animals where we have mutually experienced each other’s feelings and these experiences are embedded in my memory.

Once, I was standing with Upadhyaya Yashaji opposite ‘Kala Mandiram’. From the main gate, a herd of cows was entering. One cow, amongst them, was walking with a limp. I was looking at it. I told Yashaji, ‘It seems that this cow has a problem with her leg.’ I could feel its pain. The cow also perceived my feelings that I was worried about it. She slowly walked up to where I stood and facing me, raised her leg to show me where it was hurting. I saw a deep injury on her leg. Then she put down her leg and limped to the cow shelter. Even voiceless animals can share their pain with us if we are sensitive enough to notice. I went to the cow shelter with her. There, once again she lifted her foot. I called for the veterinary doctor and told him to treat her wound.

She started recovering well. I saw that the cow had developed a special bond with me. Animals, too, can experience our warmth, just as we can feel theirs. This shared sense of connection is the true lifeline of the living world.